1066 and All That

by W.C.Sellar and J.R.Yeatman

A Book of Nonsense

by Edward Lear

Cautionary Tales fror Children

by Hilaire Belloc

Stories of New Orleans

by Alice Dunbar-Nelson

The Love Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft to Gilbert Imlay

History of a Six Weeks' Tour

by Mary Shelley - with Percy Bysshe Shelley

Declaration of the Rights Of Woman and the Female Citizen

by Olympe de Gouges

The Ten Pleasures of Marriage - a satire

attributed to Aphra Behn

An Onlooker in France 1917-1919

by Sir William Orpen

Etchings and Wood Engravings

by Robert Tilleard

A Baker's Dozen'

Thirteen Stories and Recollections by Llewelyn Powys

The Diary of Edward Thomas

January to April 1917

Glory Of Life and Now That The Gods Are Dead

by Llewelyn Powys

Crusader Castles-the thesis

by T.E. Lawrence

A Collection of Poems Connected by Conflict

edited by Robert Tilleard

The Communist Manifesto

by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels

Chiaroscuro Adjusted

poems by Robert Tilleard

Despatches from The British Ambassador to Berlin, 1933

by Sir Horace Rumbold